Telephone Counseling for Alcoholism or Addiction
- Are you worried about your alcohol or drug use? Are you in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction and want support in addition to your face-to-face counseling or 12 Step meetings? Do you need support to deal with the alcohol or drug problem of someone close to you? Telephone counseling can be the answer for you. Telephone sessions result in development of a personal, therapeutic alliance with a counselor in the comfort of your own home, without the hassles of insurance, travel, and office visits. Get confidential support and counseling by telephone from a licensed addictions counselor, who has 31 years experience, and is in recovery himself for over 33 years. He has a Master of Science in counseling and is a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor. Jan Edward Williams, MS, JD, LCADC AlcoholDrugSOS Services, Ltd. 443-610-3569
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- MD