New Microsoft Xbox 360 750GB
- Buy two, get one free The Product is available from China at Discount price, without any tax for sale now, buy from Basic features of Microsoft Xbox360 slim Kinect package (250GB) Category Xbox360 CPU 3.2G specially IBM Power-PC central processors The display chip 500MHz qualities specially ATI graphics processor Memory performance 4GB Hard disk performance 750GB Floating-point computing power of one trillion floating point octal Polygon Performance 500M POLYGON / s The Pixel Fillrate 16G pixels / sec full-screen anti-aliasing state 16 billion samples per second fill rate, more than four times the sampling Game Carrier DVD The Game support all games support 16:9,720 p 1080i, full-screen antialiasing completely Network functions BOXLIVE (online upgrade, game downloads, network online Battle)
- Price:
- 220
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